Build App in 2-Week for only RM 3k

Validate your business idea by putting working software in the hands of customers

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“Customers don’t care how much time something takes to build. They care only if it serves their needs.”

Eric Ries

The Lean Startup

Prioritize prototyping for new ideas over full-fledged software

Build a full-fledged software

Takes 4 months+

Costs RM 150k-200k+

Actual customer learning only comes months of preperations

Build a prototype with MakerLab

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Cost only RM 3k

Put the product in the hand of customers gather feedback & iterate fast


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Quick validation of your ideas

Validate if your customer interest by charging or taking pre-orders, before committing to a full scale team

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Raise VC funding with results from your prototype

VCs prefer validated prototypes with traction. A pitch with 50 paying customers is far stronger than survey data alone.

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Lower your financial risk, extend your runway

Avoid spending RM 200k on a product that may not sell. A low-cost prototype limits risk and allows for multiple iterations of idea validation, maximizing value & bump into a winning combo.

But, there are few caveats to take note when working with MakerLab

To maintain our business model of (1) quick software turnaround + (2) low software cost :

  1. Our prototype not meant for full-fledge, we focuses only on core, impactful features to validate your business model. We will rigorously strip away un-important features that won’t help validating your ideas.
  2. Our prototype can support up to 5,000 - 10,000 users max. Once validated your ideas, you should consider building a full-fledge software for long-term scalability & maintainability.
  3. Our prototype will NOT have fancy User Interface. You can expect it to look good, but it will NEVER come with fancy animations or effect. You can view the sample of our work in the Samples section below.

Our Past Project

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P2P Car Sharing Mobile App

  • Modern hybrid mobile app framework
  • Secured authentication & encrypted data
  • Main features for validating business model
  • Publish to App Store & Play Store

P2P Car Sharing Web App

  • Modern web app framework
  • Responsive and adapt to different screen size
  • Secured authentication, encrypted data, and protected routes
  • Main features for validating business model
  • Deployment for public access
web promote


Prototype quick, Launch fast!

Web Application

RM 3,000

*core functionality only

  • Turnaround time in 2 weeks
  • You own the source code
  • You can choose to host the application yourself, or let us deploy/maintain it @ RM 200/month
  • Deposit of RM 1,000 + Design Brief required before starting project

Mobile Application

RM 15,000

*core functionality only for both Android & iOS

  • Turnaround time in 3.5 weeks
  • You own the source code
  • You can choose to host the application yourself, or let us publish/maintain it @ RM 350/month
  • Deposit of RM 2,000 + Design Brief required before starting project
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Get In Touch

Share us your idea and explore how to build your software affordably.
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